Duyung Gadang – Green Mermaid


Duyung Gadang in Balinese means Green Mermaid, which explains the dice pretty well. Those dice are casted twice. First a set of blank dice for the inside that then is decorated, and finally an outer layer containing the numbers and protecting the decoration. This is a time intensive process.

All dices are unique, the font, the icons and of course the overall die.

Specials about this set

  • Two-Cast Dice (Shell Dice)
  • All ‘highest’ numbers are inked in a contrast color
  • D20’s 20: Gates of Lempuyang (explanation below)
  • D20’s 1: Icon of Ranga
  • D6’s 6: Gates of Lempuyang

On the ’20’: The closets to heaven temple of Bali, Pura Penataran Agung Lempuyang, with its iconic gates, was the inspiration for the face of the ’20’.

On the ‘1’: Rangda is the demon queen in the traditional Balinese mythology. Terrifying to behold, Rangda leads an army of evil witches. So with every roll of our D20, you start the fight between evil and heaven.

Dice Sizes

This is a regular size dice set. Measures below are longest/shortest distance (if applicable).

  • D4 – 24 mm
  • D6 – 16 mm
  • D8 – 19,7 mm / 27 mm
  • D10 & D100 – 23,3 mm / 22 mm
  • D12 – 23,5 mm / 19 mm
  • D20 – 27,7 mm / 23,6 mm

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