Gua Tangi – Purple Cave (Small)


Gua Tangi in Balinese means Purple Cave. Parts of the outer shell of the dice is coated in chameleon power which shimmers in different colors depending on the viewing angle. Everything that is not dusted in the magic chameleon powder is see-through transparent with a turquoise tint for an enchanting effect.

A regular-sized version set can be found here: Gua Tangi – Purple Cave

Specials about this set

  • Unique font, icons and of course the overall die.
  • D20’s 20: Gates of Lempuyang (explanation below)
  • D20’s 1: Icon of Ranga
  • D6’s 6: Gates of Lempuyang

On the ’20’: The closets to heaven temple of Bali, Pura Penataran Agung Lempuyang, with its iconic gates, was the inspiration for the face of the ’20’.

On the ‘1’: Rangda is the demon queen in the traditional Balinese mythology. Terrifying to behold, Rangda leads an army of evil witches. So with every roll of our D20, you start the fight between evil and heaven.

Dice Sizes

This is a regular size dice set. Measures below are longest/shortest distance (if applicable).

  • D4 – 24 mm
  • D6 – 16 mm
  • D8 – 19,7 mm / 27 mm
  • D10 & D100 – 23,3 mm / 22 mm
  • D12 – 23,5 mm / 19 mm
  • D20 – 27,7 mm / 23,6 mm

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