Ketisan Pelung – Blue Spark – Special Edition


Ketisan Pelung in Balinese means Blue Spark or Splash. This set is a mix of many colors. Fuchsia & Purple as the base color, with a cloud of white and a splash of night blue in it. All is lightened up with golden flakes.

Specials about this set

  • Unique font, icons and of course the overall die.
  • D4, D6 & D8 have all unique crystal-like shapes
  • D6’s 1: Icon of Ranga (see below for explanation)
  • D12 is a Rhombic Dodecahedron
  • Special Edition: The D10, D100 & D20 are from the Small Edition Set.

On the ‘1’: Rangda is the demon queen in the traditional Balinese mythology. Terrifying to behold, Rangda leads an army of evil witches. So with every roll of our D20, you start the fight between evil and heaven.

Dice Sizes

This is a regular size dice set. Measures below are longest/shortest distance (if applicable).

  • D4 – 29,7 mm / 19,8 mm
  • D6 – 26 mm / 13,3 mm
  • D8 – 28,6 mm / 19,6 mm
  • D10 & D100 – 23,3 mm / 19,8 mm
  • D12 – 26,9 mm / 19 mm
  • D20 – 24,9 mm / 21,2 mm

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